The Dinornis Moa lived in the South Island of New Zealand, and its habitat was in the southern part of the South Island. They where mostly found in shrubland, duneland, grassland, and forests. Since the Dinornis Moa is a herbivore they lived off mainly fruits, leafs and seeds. Since they had long necks and could reach 3 meters when the extended there neck they could reach the best fruit which is located at the top of the tree.
b) Environment
The Dinornis Moa is mostly found in the South Island in forests and grass lands where they can find food, fruits, seeds and leaves as the Dinornis Moa is a herbivore.c) Competition
According to researches the Dinornis Moa didn't have many competition to find food as they only had one enemy,the
Haast's Eagle, but the Maoris did eat the Dinornis' Moas egg for food, this meant they could not complete the full cycle of the Moa This made the Dinornis Moa population go done as the Maoris would steel there eggs and eat them. Even though they where protective of the eggs they still manged to steel the eggs.
Haast's Eagle, but the Maoris did eat the Dinornis' Moas egg for food, this meant they could not complete the full cycle of the Moa This made the Dinornis Moa population go done as the Maoris would steel there eggs and eat them. Even though they where protective of the eggs they still manged to steel the eggs.
d) Relationships With Other Organisms
The Dinornis Moa didn't have many relationships with any other organisms except the other Moas who lived in the same or a close habitat.
In your paragraph, Competition, the last sentence says, "Even though they were protective of the eggs they still managed to steel the eggs." First of all you need to put some commas in there, and second of all its STEAL not STEEL. Please fix it. Thank you!